Wednesday, 26 December 2007

I meet another man that brings out the meany in me...

My darling cousin invited one of her many suitors to her house last night. It wasn't particularly difficult to imagine the kind of 34 year old man who would be chatting up a 21 year old - I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt but within the first 15 minutes he'd asked me about 5 times whether he was more attractive than I imagined and made comments on my weight (he likes really thin girls). The conversation thereafter went like this;

'You know - I'm a male escort.'


'Yeah - would you pick me if you were going to hire an escort?'

'I don't know. What's your 'unique selling point'?'

'Well apart from the obvious; good looking; great body; I can talk really posh when I want to.'

'Well you just made a mistake in that sentence.'

'Look; I've just drove...'

'Er - 'driven'.'

'I don't like you.'

Er yeah; but am I bovvered?!


Mr Grim said...

Hehe, sounds like you took him down a peg or four! Bravo!

Clare Scott said...
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Clare Scott said...
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The Princess said...

Doesn't make me any more popular though, does it? Still; who'd want to be popular among such cretins?