Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Men and women

I went round to his house last night for dinner and a DVD. It was a bit weird. Photos of him and his ex everywhere and stuff but hey, what did I expect? We managed to iron a few things out though; the conversation went a bit like this:

Me: ‘
I’m a bit worried that you may have just fallen into this relationship because it’s easy; that you haven’t actually chosen to be with me

Him: silence

Me: You know - when I say things like that it’s a cue for you to say something comforting or reassuring to me. Think of it like a formula on one of your spreadsheets… I say something like that = you say something nice.

Him: Oh is it? OK I’m a fast learner. Let’s try again.

Me: OK; I’m a bit worried that you may have just fallen into this relationship because it’s easy; that you haven’t actually chosen to be with me’

Him: Errr….Ummm….

Me: Oh God.

Half an hour later….

Him: indignantly Anyway! I didn’t ‘just fall into this’ I pursued you. I took you out for dinner and bought you Dom Perignon!!


Newbie said...

Sounds like a keeper!

Hey, did you ever hear of that theory that men and women have a certain amount of words to say in a day and women's are almost double that of men's? I have put this dreadfully, but what I mean is maybe he had just run out of words for the day and had to really work hard to break through the barrier...

The Princess said...

Ha! Or maybe he just isn't used to expressing his emotions like that. I think historically he's just bought stuff - I won't complain too much about that though.